Monday 31 March 2008

whats duty free?

Offically the day i go home,
i get my stuff together and pack my bag. i drive to Memphis with the intention of stopping at a walmart to grab some macaroni cheese to take home, but when i get to the airport turnoff i decide i cannot be bothered braving the traffic on Elvis Presley Blvd so i just return the car and go to the airport. this means i have a few hours to kill, so i head in and go to Terminal A to grab some Popeys Chicken. after getting my fill of spicy fried chicken and biscuits i run through the terminal shops getting mints and Rendevouz seasoning (though not to eat at the same time.) i sleep on the flight from Memphis to Huston, before wandering Huston airport for the 31/2 hour layover. I go to the duty free but im kind of ok for alcohol at the moment. I sit at a seat down from my terminal (more seats) and pull out my laptop to watch a few hours of my name is earl. When it is time to board i walk up to the gate to see the remnats of the press conference which had taken place as well as the piles of free food and champaign which was given to the passengers, which i had missed out on. I get on the plane and i am handed a passport wallet with the Continental logo and the date on (this is the first continental flight landing at heathrow.) Again the plane has Video on demand, but its the same selection as last time. i watch Sidney Moon (Amanda Bynes teen outcast movie, kind of funny) Chris Rock: Never Scared (awesome) and Almost Famous (dont need to say a thing) i slept for the rest.

on a side note, putting images up on this blog is a seriously time consumeing pain in the ass. im going to try and set up a flickr account in the next few days will link from here when i have.

its a shame the trip is over but on a plus side very few things were a let down. Of the places i wanted to visit for years none of them lacked from my expectations, even seeing BB King was as great as i remembered. I had an abersloute blast, am i going to return to Tennessee? f**k yes.

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